Tuesday 3 January 2017

COP 3: Second Idea Development

After leaving behind my first initial idea I decided to have a big rethink so my second idea would not run into the same problems. I still really liked the idea of incorporating the practical with live-action in a way of comparing the two mediums. But in order for me to do this technique, it would be a lot more efficient and was advised that I take piece of live-action material that already exists and make some animation using it as reference. So I decided to use the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I felt this film would be ideal for me to use, not just because it's my favourite film so I am very familiar with it but also because every character has their own unique physicality and way of evoking emotion that to a viewer is simply fascinating.

I wanted to focus on the two main protagonists of the film for the practical, the first being Randle McMurphy...

The character is played by Jack Nicholson who (lets face it) has a very interesting expressive face that has for long been the subject of many an impersonation and caricature.

I thought Jack would be an interesting one to animate because of how expressive he is, doing a lot of his acting with his facial movements, in particular his eyebrows.

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